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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

How to choose keywords?

Where to place its keywords?

How to choose a keyword? Proposed a methodology for finding combinations of keywords or keyword phrases that improve SEO and increase traffic to a site:
  1. The keywords should generate traffic to your site
  2.   Specifies right keywords
  3. First step: look for and find the right keywords
  4. Optimization and keywords
  5. Keyword tracking and positioning these key terms
All the talent ... writing is not, after all, in the choice of words.
Gustave Flaubert.

1. The keywords should generate traffic to your site

Keywords or queries are what users are looking for when interviewing a motor.
These terms must be present in the site content .
To select keywords, it is imperative to analyze the positioning of the site to know its customers, the expectations of users and their habits.
The key point is to choose the right keyword or phrase keyword: no need to point on keywords (or sequences of keywords) that nobody enters.
The head positioning results on combinations of keywords 2 3-7 words seems more realistic than one word given the strong competition. It is important to think in terms of key phrases, not keywords.
The goal of positioning is to find the right match between the keyword or keywords on which we will try locating a site and the traffic it will generate.

2. Specifies right keywords

A good keyword has a good report:
  • competition keyword (1)
  • popularity for keyword (2)
(1) number of results on the search engines
(2) keyword is it typed by users?
Good keywords must be measured in terms of:
  • Relevance: they best describe your business and may be used by your potential customers in their queries on their search engines. A keyword must be dictated by the number of monthly queries against a single keyword.
  • Feasibility: there must be a term that positioning is possible, which was not too much competition.
  • Potentiality: good keywords are generating traffic or attract potential customers to your site.

3. First step: look for and find the right keywords

How to choose keywords for a good match between the popularity of keywords and the feasibility of locating the site, or pages on those keywords.
  1. Determining a first list of keywords

    You can provide an initial list of keywords   as follows:
    • Make a reflection group or brainstorming with colleagues
    • Request a list of keywords to your customer
    • Determine a list of specific key terms of art
    • List the benefits of the product and work on the semantics
    • Make a survey of users
    • Analyze the current language users
    • Visit forums, blogs and extract key phrases
    • Study the keywords competing sites
    • View articles or any other document on the subject that are sources of keywords
    • View results on the search engines or directory
    • See Related Searches some search engines.
    • Analyze the yellow pages or yellow pages and telephone directories
    • Analyze directories and directories in both the nomenclature of the topics in the site description
    • Search synonyms
  2. Suggestion tools keyword or generators words

    The importance is to find keywords or keyword combinations popular with the least possible competition.
    • Related Searches consider (research associates) search engine.
    • Watch suggestion for correction request.
    • Appeal to suggestion tools providing key words related phrases while the user types the query, for example Google Suggest.
    • Use generators keywords (Google Adwords - but, Wordstream
    • Leverage Google Trends ( ) for the popularity of a term in a given period. This lets you know when you start writing your articles on a topic for their visibility is maximal at the right time (usually 6 weeks before the peak of popularity). Google Trends provides trends research by users. With this tool, you will determine whether it is worthwhile to write an article on a topic chosen.
  3. Analysis of feasibility and relevance of the keyword list

    Your keyword list is established, we must now examine the relevance and feasibility of positioning on these keywords.
    • Are these keywords are typed by your users: relevance to users?
      Go to Search Marketing Tool
      Enter your key word to find:
      1. Queries related to your keyword
      2. The number of requests on a single keyword a month
      This tool is intended as a help line, it is important to use the crossing and analyzing data.
    • Is it possible to position on these keywords: feasibility relative to the competition?
      To do this, we must analyze the competition on these keywords, that is to say the number of results on the search engines.
      Enter your keyword in the search box on Google   and run the query. The number of results appears in the upper right:
      1. Less than 20 000 results for keyword: positioning this keyword is feasible
      2. Beyond 200 000 results for keyword: positioning this keyword is very difficult
      Be placed on many less popular queries, but often better qualified and more accessible is easier and less expensive: it is the effect of the long tail ( Long Tail ). The long tail effect applied to SEO is the use of many smaller keywords that will stronger than the choice of a few key words sometimes seen as critical impact. There is also talk of Latent Semantic Indexing (easy seo hub Consulting) which is based on the relationship combinations and positioning, changes in the terms and iterations of keyword phrases.

4. Optimization and keywords

You have chosen your keywords, they must now be included in the text. Where to place your keywords ?
  • The page title (title tag)
  • The titles and subtitles of the editorial content (H1 coded, H2, etc.).
  • Links (tag A)
  • The text at the beginning for more weight (front-loading)
  • ALT attributes for images (IMG tag)
Check the occurrence of your keywords. Warning: keyword inserted in a title does not have the same weight for a search engine a keyword inserted in the middle of a text, the location of the key word is important.

5. Keyword tracking and positioning in these terms

Monitoring and correction of keywords and positioning of the site:
Follow the statistics of your site that will tell you by what keyword or keyword phrases which users arrived at your site:
  • A good keyword (or combination of words) brings traffic and / or is often typed by users in research tools.
  • A bad keyword (or combination of words) brings little traffic and / or never typed by users in research tools.
Statistical tools:

Google Analytics
Measure your ranking by positioning reports: Go to the search engines or directories and check your position relative to your keywords or keyword phrases.
Run a query on a keyword in your search engine and add the page to your favorites so that you can automate part of the practice.
Some software will assist you in tracking your SEO .
In reviewing your positioning, you know if you won or lost positions on search tools compared to your keywords.
If your site is poorly sorted, you will again optimize, verify, edit tags if necessary.
Proper positioning must generate traffic.
Which sites are users (referrers)?
What keywords did they typed to get on your pages?
If the keyword used by your users is that you have optimized, you have reached your goal.
If you position yourself in the top results on a keyword that no tape, your job is to start other keywords or phrases.
There is a bit of rock of Sisyphus ...
You can get different results depending on different factors:
  • Your location
  • History of your search
  • The language version of the engine: .Com) , English, etc..
  • Chosen for your interface Version
  • The browser language, etc..
How to insert keywords without your text errors?
  • Use uppercase to insert keywords without accent: WEB EDITOR instead of web writing.
  • Insert a quiz: How You historiographer word keyword? Keyword, keyword, keywords, keyword, etc. ..
  • Suggest a glossary where you insert a sentence type: Beware the spelling, do not write: keywords, keyword, keyword, etc. ..
  • Take advantage of this glossary to enrich your text synonym: Some synonyms web editor: web writing, writing for the web, writing for the web, writing web content, writing texts for the web, etc..
  • Less acceptable, but desperate times ... Use the Alt attribute to insert typos while thinking users who expect speech synthesizers to access the content of the image.


  1. Choosing a beat and appropriate keyword is a best strategy in SEO.
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  2. hi , thanks for sharing the info about keywords . but as per my experiance relavance and location based words are best to use as a keywords or we can go for paid tools to get proper keywords, Anyways thanks
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